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Uzbekistan's best travel reports

Reports 1 - 6 of 6 

Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Mesmerising Khiva.  Uluru

Imagine this - a small place with no traffic, surrounded by fairy-tale like wavy walls with conical...

Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Pleasant Tashkent.  Uluru

Tashkent welcomed me with temperature officially measured at 42C. I have no idea what it was in the...

Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Grand Samarkand.  Uluru

Samarkand's history spans over 2,750 years. Its monuments dating back to the Temurids Dynasty rival...

Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Captivating Bukhara.  Uluru

Bukhara is considered the third or the fourth holiest city in the Muslim world. Although there are a...

Dental tour in Tashkent  Uluru

Well, I never considered myself as a greedy person, but with all that crisis up and around, even I w...

Two Years in Western Uzbekistan 

I lived in a very small town called Buston, or Bo'ston as it was written on the signs. It is the adm...

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