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Tashkent travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Tashkent, Uzbekistan!

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Travel guide to Tashkent
Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan and the largest city in Central Asia. However, it does not feel big or crowded. It is orderly and green - large trees line wide pavements along the multiple lanes avenues. In the past, Tashkent was an important trading post on the Great Silk Road. Little survived the test of time, particularly under the Soviet rule, and only recently the old Islamic flamboyant schools and temples. One of them remarkably survived in the immediate vicinity of the modern parliament building. The park next to the government structures, Milliy Bog, is a great place to relax, take a boat, or sit on a boat-cum-cafe. There are plenty of accommodation options and some great restaurants, and bars offering free wi-fi. Both domestic and international airports are near the centre and moving about the city can be done on the efficient metro or any private car that just picks up passengers for a small fee. [edit text]  [editors]

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Great Silk Road. Uzbekistan. Pleasant Tashkent. 
Tashkent,  Uzbekistan 
krisek  rating  2008-09-20

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