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Veronica's contribution to the community

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info GLOBO points: 3067
info GLOBO time: 4h 50min 6s
info User rank: 77 out of 29534
info Referred members: 3
info Picture quality: Full quality!
activity amount points
Forum postings / replies: 5 20
Pictures uploaded: 102 1020
Report pictures uploaded: 219 1095
Member picture online: yes 50
Reports written: 27 405
Guestbook postings: 52 156
Rated reports of others: 31 62
Rated pictures of others: 21 -
Travellog postings: 16 80
Travellog pictures: 4 20
Comments on pictures from others: 2 2
Member of the month!
Nov 2005
Veronica has found cities we had not listed so far.
Thank you for adding following cities to
city country province land found on
Mayaguez Puerto Rico Jan 28, 2008
Xilinhot China Inner Mongolia Jan 21, 2006

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