Though I can't offer you a cup of Turkish tea, you are most welcome here! Please post your thoughts and tips!
Joined: Oct 02
Points: 805
Portugal, Turkey, USA,... and the rest of the world
Posted: 2004-12-17 05:31 AM  
Hello Victor,
I read your message to my Portuguese friend, she was really happy about it! And me as well, of course. Being currently in Turkey, you're well in position to make your opinion about the present debate : should Turkey enter the EU? We won't discuss this topic here, it's not the place for it, but it must be very interesting to be there in this moment.
By the way : what are you doing in Turkey? How did you come to choose this place to study (if I understood well?).
I won't have access to Internet for 2 weeks (back in my family, in a small village of Lorraine, where computer is almost a martian word), but I hope to have the pleasure to read you soon.
Until then : Feliz Natal!
Joined: Oct 02
Points: 805
Thanks !
Posted: 2004-12-08 05:22 AM  
Hello Victor,
Thank you for your nice comment on my Lisboa's report. I saw you speak portuguese, are you portuguese?
I spent there one year, as an Erasmus student, and I really miss the place ! But one of my best friends is from there, she was born in Lisboa - and she is a traveller-freak as well, she went to live to Japan for almost 2 years! We keep speaking with each other in portuguese.
Long life to the globosapiens community, It is so thrilling to write reports and to read nice comments about it afterwords. And you seem determined to be a very active member, so good luck to you.
 Premium account!
Joined: Aug 04
Points: 34752
Go Victor
Posted: 2004-12-07 07:29 PM  
Welcome, I like your reports so much, see some diversity and absolute travel delight within them. More please! Pictures?
Joined: Sep 04
Points: 16785
hi victor!
Posted: 2004-12-04 10:34 AM  
shall look forward to that!
turkey is an absolutely beautiful country and i hope to vist it again!
Joined: Jan 03
Points: 3137
Posted: 2004-12-03 10:22 PM  
Welcome to the community. Looking forward to reading about your travels.