Thank you for your comments. Those of us who travel live in a world both apart and within the world we knew before. It is a pleasure to meet the new neighbors in this ever evolving community.
Your cusco-report picture
Posted: 2011-08-05 05:52 AM  
Hi Willow
We are a picture agency from Switzerland.
A client of ours is interested in a picture which he has seen on your “reports” site: http://www.globosapiens.net/data/reportpix/picture/cusco-report-968-0.jpg
He would like to use it for a 2012 calendar with “children festivals around the world”.
The calendar would be distributed in: Switzerland.
Is this image available for this usage? If yes, could you send us the highres file?
If our client will use the image, you will of course receive a share of the usage fee.
Thanks for your quick reply. (bab@bab.ch, phone 0041 56 297 31 31)
Kind regards.
Marta Baldinger
bab.ch GmbH
Bild- und Filmagentur
Obere Mühle 4
CH-5332 Rekingen
Tel. +41 56 297 31 31
Fax + 41 56 297 31 30
Joined: Jan 09
Points: 958
Hi willow
Posted: 2010-04-12 06:58 AM  
Btfl. snaps of Peru . Grt. natural bty and cultural heritage. thx.
Joined: Jan 09
Points: 6151
Posted: 2009-02-10 09:22 PM  
Hi Willow, enjoy your youth while you can, one day you will be old, it's not a bad thing as long as your mind is stlll young!!. eso si que es. Kind Regards, Tony.
Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664
Visit in Madrid
Posted: 2006-08-20 03:12 AM  
Hola willow,
to visit you in Madrid is a goob idea. I will check my calendar for some vacation.
ciao, Joe
Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664
it says...
Posted: 2006-08-17 02:23 PM  
Hi willow, the IE says: Cannot find server or DNS Error.
I'm sorry for that but maybe we meet us another day when it works.
Wish you all the best, Joe
Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664
chat does not work... :-(
Posted: 2006-08-17 02:20 PM  
Hi willow,
the chat window does not work. :-( What a pity, now that I meet you again.
Can you read my writings in the chat room? I only see this "page cannot be displayed".
ciao, Joe
Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664
Back in Europe?
Posted: 2006-08-17 02:09 PM  
Hi Willow,
are you back on the european continent or still living on the Maledives?
Havn't visited your blog this month.
All the best, Joe
Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121
hi, willow
Posted: 2005-11-09 04:36 AM  
it's belle, have u remember me? : ) haven't seen u for a long time in globo. i just came back from my hometown yesterday evening. how are u doing recently?
willow, i'd like to introduce a website to u. www.chinasanya.com. it's about Hainan, the place i live now. it's the only tropical paradise in China. all the worlds were written and translated by me. if u have time, pls have a look at it. if u find any mistake, pls let me know. and i also hope u could leave a message on our message board. coz i need friends like u to help me to activate this website. thank u in advance!
keep in touch!
Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121
:) hi, willow
Posted: 2005-09-29 10:38 PM  
thank u for ur kind reply. yes, Sanya is also a tropical city, just like Maldives, very beautiful. if u come here, i 'd like to be ur guide. :)
take care!
Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121
Posted: 2005-09-14 11:17 PM  
hi, willow
beautiful pictures, beautiful city u live, hoping u enjoy urself in globo.
best wishes!