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Alley in the old Yazd's by wojtekd

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information about iran  YazdIran, Yazd
This ancient city has a labirynth of narrow alleys to explore...
Uploaded: Nov, 05 2006 | Taken: Oct, 17 2006| Viewed: 192 times  | 13 votes

rangutan - Nov, 08 2006 09:11am
Wojciech, a cleverly composed photo with all available angles and shades considered. Your pictures are always very exotic and cultural and always adventurous and special, thanks!

adampl - Oct, 30 2008 10:10pm
One of the best shots here. Excellent balance and composition. Plus the old man walkind in the background placed ideally in the frame. A well deserved 5*.

krisek - Oct, 30 2008 10:10pm
Wojtek, I could not agree more with both Adam and Rudi. A truly excellent photograph! I cannot believe it was so bright in the alley. When I went to Yazd, it appeared subdued to me...

pesu - Dec, 22 2008 12:12pm
Wojtek, I love that pic - the man luckily is giving liveliness.

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