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Log entries 1 - 10 of 3015 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Oct 21, 2024 12:00 AM Cancelled Guam landing...

Cancelled Guam landing... Stormy weather. It is dark around, the ship is rocking on the waves. Tomorrow we should visit the American island of Guam in Micronesia. But the captain, Luca Lazarino announced that due to the expected worsening of weather conditions, the strong currents (they didn't know them before?) and the dalay we gain disembarking the ill passenger our visit to Guam will be cancelled - it is necessary to arrive on time to Honolulu. This decision is not so painful to me because I have been to Guam before. But what we were paying for? Captain promised to refund unpaid port charges - 61 dollars per passenger. In the morning I attended Malay dances class. It is interesting, but I can say the true: I prefere to dance tango, waltz or foxtrot aboard lovely Costa ships. Such opportunity will come only in December! :)

Oct 20, 2024 12:00 AM Ice carving on the sea..

Ice carving on the sea.. Sea is more rough today. Our cabin steward told me that in the night we visited one of the port in the northern Philippines to disembark ill passenger and his family. It happens... Security first... In the middle of the day we had ice carving presentation on the open deck 10. I saw already such an attraction on the other ships: the talented Philippine cook apeared with the big block of ice. Within 15 minutes this block was converted into the head of the American Indian Chief. Fantastic! In the afternoon there was a lot of music and in the evening - the performance of the Australian juggler. Nice day, but in the evening the sea became even more rocky! Fortunately my cabin is on the deck 1 - the rocking here is not so strong :)

Oct 19, 2024 12:00 AM Sailing blue seas...

Sailing blue seas... We deserved a good rest after yesterday's "pandemonium". Long sleeping, good and quiet breakfast with a view of endless blue south sea... I had a time toake first laundry and update my travel notes. At noon there was a chance to see interesting folklore performance in the theater (they call it here Liquid Lounge) and some people went to the school of dancing. In the evening there will be another show. I do not go to the dinner - too much food!...

Oct 18, 2024 12:00 AM Manila, nor vanilla

Manila, nor vanilla We reached the capital of Philippines early in the morning. Few minutes after 8 with my excursion ticket in hand I was already near the bow gangway on deck 1, dedicated to those who will be boarding on the shore excursions bus. Message: go to the deck 2. On this deck was already long line of travellers. Message: only bow gangway will be open for some reason... Imagine 3000 passenger wishing to disembark through one door! I spent in the cramp and hot corridor 2 hours before they allowed me to get out of the ship. Everybody was tired and nervous. Passengers were ironically jocking that this ship should be called "Carnival Pandemonium" instead "Carnival Panorama"...
The bus was waiting. They took us to Rizal Park, where monument of the national hero stands, then through heavy traffic to the business district with skyscrapers, kalesa horse carts and jeepneys (they are less bright then during my visit in 1997, but still noisy). Then we spent a time visiting neat American War Cemetery with high building of downtown in the background. Finally they took us to the old town where brilliant church of St Augustine with museum in the convent is worth to see. Manila is interesting but require more time. Our excursion was shortened, nobody said -we apologize, we will compensate you this "event"... Shame, Carnival Cruises!

Oct 17, 2024 12:00 AM Sa0iling South China Sea...

Sa0iling South China Sea... It is good to have the friends, especially if you are in trouble! I found such a friends aboard! Teresa and Charlie are from USA. Hearing about my problems with Philippines QR arrival code spontaneously offered me their access to the net! I was impressed! It is already done and I am fully set for the Philippines! Thank you so much! And welcome to Poland whe re I will be hosting you in my dacha near Gdansk!
Today we had calm seaa but cloudy morning. I attended the lecture about Manila and about the fauna of the Pacific. In the afternoon the sun appeared and I was sunbathing on the dack about one hour. No more, the sun is very strong on the Sooluth China Sea! :)

Oct 16, 2024 12:00 AM Borneo - pure tropic...

Borneo - pure tropic... Today we visited Kota Kinabalu - the capital of Sabah province on Borneo. I have been here years ago. No much changes visible. On the route to Mari-Mari Cultural Village we stopped at the picturesque city mosque..
In the village they are showing the traditions and houses of the 5 main tribes living in Sabah. I had a chance to see costumes and national dances, I also tried national dishes, to touch their weapon and handicrafts. Young people working here are very friendly and knowledgeable. But the day was very hot and humid. I returned to the ship only about 3 pm. But what a pleasure to refresh memories! Borneo people conserve well their traditions!

Oct 15, 2024 12:00 AM Going to Philippines? Register 3 days in advance!

Going to Philippines? Register 3 days in advance! We have today the day at see. Andy - our British-born cruise director just informed that before landing in Manila every passenger must register in the website of Philippine Immigrations. I tried. As many other passengers I did not buy expensive internet package to be connected from the ship. So no chance to register unless you will pay them 35 USD for one day internet allowance. It is scandalous!
To be registered you fill online the form including your e-mail and your photo. Then they send to your email box 6-digit code to be placed in the form. Then you continue giving passport data, arrival and departure date and more. If they are happy they send you QR code required at arrival.
OK, but why the cruise line pushed me to pay 35 USD Mr Andy (left side on the picture)? It is shame!

Oct 14, 2024 12:00 AM Hot and humid Saigon

Hot and humid Saigon Today we are docking in Phu My - the closest port to Ho Chi
Minh. Now I know, that it is almost 2 hours drive each way to get from this port to the former Saigon. It is very hot and humid here. We were visiting the Palace of Independence (or Reinification). The skyscrapers around the Saigon River are also imposing. I got internet connection only from History Museum... The Vietnamese hat lik the one on the photo costs 7 USD!! Greetings from Vietnam!

Oct 12, 2024 12:00 AM Hot and humid Singapore

Hot and humid Singapore Morning in Singapore. It was raining in the night. During my first visit here in the 80-ties I was enchanted by the old queater on the bank of Singapore river. Now in this place you can see skyscrapers nicer than on the Manhattan! Only on the river bank a chain of old houses remained, housing restaurants, cafes and shops - all for tourists! There is a lot of modern, sometimes controversial architecture including this ever- visible Marina Bay building, where you can see Singapore from the air for 40 singapore dollars. In the early afternoon I will be boarding to sail in the evening to Vietnam...

Oct 11, 2024 12:00 AM Singa-pura, City of Lion

Singa-pura, City of Lion To get from Singapore Chiangi Airport it is better to use metro. At the airport metro station they offer you only day or two- days ticket. If you need a single ride only you can use your credit card at the reader entering the platform.
I booked in advance the modest room ln IBIS budget hotel on Hongkong St. From here is only 5 min walk to Singapore River and attracttions of the old quarter. It was high humidity, 30 deg Celsius but no rain when I was walking to the places I remember well from previous visits. The Merlion monument is even brighter than before. I registeted many new skyscrapers, but I loved more old Chinese buildings. They converted historic Raffles Hotel into museum?! Nice, clean and modern city! Singapore located on the island is still most interesting metropole in Southeast Asia!

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