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Checking the camel...'s by wojtekd

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Keren camel market
Uploaded: Aug, 21 2007 | Taken: Dec, 08 2004| Viewed: 49 times  | 10 votes

wojtekd - Aug, 21 2007 09:08am
Three stars only.... Hmm... I expected it is the picture of the day in Keren. Now I think I should photograph rather camel under the palm tree at sunset... :) the author

eirekay - Aug, 21 2007 10:08am
I think this is a marvelous capture of life! 5* from me!

rangutan - Aug, 21 2007 12:08pm
Wojtek, after about 10 ratings you will see a better average always. The first one or two ratings are not a good indication yet, I rate it a high 4* [4.2]

adampl - Aug, 21 2007 01:08pm
I agree with Wojtek that most of Globies prefer colorful landscapes rather than pictures showing the real life of the locals and the local culture.

adampl - Aug, 21 2007 01:08pm
For me travelling is not only about visiting places but first and foremost meeting people and learning their culture, their lifestyles and taking part in their daily life.

adampl - Aug, 21 2007 01:08pm
That's why I prefer staying with the locals rather than hostels and hotels. Wow I had to divide this thought into three, so tiny is the space for comments here :)

frenchfrog - Aug, 22 2007 03:08am
That's what globo is all about learning new cultures and watching locals in their daily life, thanks!

maehof - Aug, 22 2007 05:08am
i agree with all of you, it's about interacting with people who live in beautiful places that makes our hearts feel beautiful too, and i apreciate daily life of these amazing people doing theyr job

maehof - Aug, 22 2007 05:08am
... because the're not acting like it's something special to them, that makes theyr lifes so special to us, the diversity al around the Globe. plus i think i like coments more than stars,,,here's my5

mortimer - Aug, 22 2007 11:08am
this is a very interesting shot about a daily market scene the colors and sharpness could be better and the cut away camel in the right hand corner is a bit disturbing. It is very hard to get those...

mortimer - Aug, 22 2007 11:08am
shots really good. The objects are moving steadily and you have so much to think about when taking those pics. You might try to increase the ISO setting in order to get quicker shutter speed and less

mortimer - Aug, 22 2007 12:08pm
movement of the objects. For me this is anywhere between 3 and 4.5 but never a 5er because it lacks just a bit of quality as explained above. The very interesting scene helps a bit but is not enough.

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