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Photo album by esfahani: Peru Impressions - People

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Peru Impressions - People

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month May 2006

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album of the month contest I travelled Peru two times, taking lots of pictures. Backpacking is the most convenient kind to explore the country - travelling by bus can be really exhausting, making a 300 km in 24 hrs for example, but the beauty of the landscape, the people there, makes it worth to bear it up. My favourite spots are far away from tourist traps as Machu Picchu, like the remote Cotahuasi Canon or even down in the jungle... Take yourself at least a 3 to 4 weeks time to visit that amazing country to travel, exploring the markets in the early morning or hike around the villages by yourself! Fotos that time are all taken with Canon EOS1000 and scanned to upload for Globosapiens - Enjoy the show!

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