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Joined: May 10
Points: 7678

most everything

Posted: 2012-06-24 04:08 PM   
hi, p - finally, only three months late to the day, got the rest of the mexico hotel pictures posted. what an incredible place.

the alternative to obama will be the republican mitt romney, former governor of massachusetts. there are so many i know who regret having voted for obama and not only for the health plan he pushed through congress. sadly, romney is not the man to get him out. mostly because he has a long liberal history ( obama health care was modelled after romney's in massachusetts, hard for romney to bash it too hard ) and is trying to paint himself as a conservative. so many good choices fell by the wayside during the primaries - pawlenty, perry, cain ( done in by innumerable extramarital dalliances ), and those who didn't bother - rubio, jeb bush, jindoo. you are right, the lesser of two evils strikes again.

summer has arrived - hope your day is as pretty as ours. have a good week. n.


Joined: Oct 07
Points: 4141'

Posted: 2012-06-23 12:27 PM   
I just told you, that it would be the best match ON GLOBO!!! ;-)

But, what's about it, or dislike it!!

Congrtulations with YOUR team!! It's a pitty, but I think; the worst team is winning the EK.

We have just passed a terrible week, funeral from our best friend, just 54!! To young, but this happens too!! Hope to hear soon about your pic's!!



Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Thank you

Posted: 2012-06-20 07:26 PM   
Thanks Petra,

I donĀ“t know the way, how Andy choose the MoM, but it is always nice to be rewarded. I am only surprised that there were no RoM, we had really good reports lately...

Have a nice evening


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

There were camels in Petra!

Posted: 2012-06-03 01:40 PM   
Hi Petra,

I was tempted to go on a camel in Petra. There were many of them, and they looked they wanted to carry me. For real. And they were in competition with the donkeys and the mules. Their eyes looked at me pleading to take me on their back. It was so tempting and I think it was the devil in their eyes.

Well, it made sense. I still have not been to the Jesus's baptism spot on the Jordan river. That will happen the day after tomorrow. Maybe then the temptations will stop ;)

I hope you are well.

Take care


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 6484

Armenia 2011, traumatised, on its way to itself

Posted: 2012-05-30 10:41 AM   
Thank you, Petra, for your friendly comment on my report. It took a while to write it. The last months werern't as nice as I had wished. But I studied and learned a lot. Books always save me.


Joined: May 10
Points: 7678

perceptions and politics

Posted: 2012-05-29 11:41 PM   
noted with interest your lack of enthusiasm for merkel, but it substantiates something i have felt for a long time. i don't really do politics on the internet, but i have observed politicians seem to be held in higher regard outside their own country than in it. on my two sites, i have correspondents in greece, australia, and germany. all can do without their leadership, yet here in the states merkel, the now departed sarkosy, and even papandreou were depicted favorably by the media and held in relatively high regard by most.

and going the other way, obama is beloved in europe as i understand it yet most people i know including some blacks rue the day they voted for him.

guess the grass is greener on the other side of the fence in politics too.

the pictures of the incredible hotel in mexico will find their way on here as time permits. meanwhile, have a good week.


Joined: May 10
Points: 7678

stumbling blocks

Posted: 2012-05-25 12:00 AM   
hi, p - busy as usual, late to write back. first, must note the leading role germany is playing in the euro crisis with greece and their profligate leaders. wonder if merkel is retaining her popularity now that sarkozy and his bride have been banished to history books.

as for the blocks, we knew about them before visiting and were on the lookout. none in munich, none we saw in nuremberg, and none in dresden. lots in berlin of course. saw some in salzburg, but these were for jehovah's witnesses who with romas also suffered greatly. have another image with four blocks covered and surrounded by cigarette butts. decided to wait with the images of the berlin bears and setting up some images of mexico where we recently flew to attend the wedding of the daughter of our good friends.

and working. be well. n.


Joined: May 10
Points: 7678

fallen leaves

Posted: 2012-05-05 01:33 PM   
hi, p - well it only took a month or two but i finally got the fallen leaves from the jewish museum on board. been busy and not here so much, hope you have been well. n.


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 4244

Looking Gozzy

Posted: 2012-05-02 05:50 AM   
Very true pesu, I know the feeling.

You do get gozzy in old age, been walking a bit gozzy these last few days, between gout and tooth ache.



Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Cambodia report

Posted: 2012-04-24 08:00 AM   
Hi Petra,
Many thanks for reading and rating my Cambodia's report. The time spent on that report was one of the nicest within last two months. It brought back so many good memories.
Have a nice day

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