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Reports 51 - 60 of 411 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The Silk Road

Xinjiang (or Sinkiang) is a world apart in China (well, Tibet and Inner Mongolia too, but the differ...
Kashi, China travel report by jorge sanchez

Spices and Tourists (Kerala)

Kochi is an old port on the Malabar coast in Kerala. It is a cluster of islands linked by bridges an...
Kochi, India travel report by marianne

Krakow - not another European city

I never really considered going to Poland, but after a recent trip to the Czech Republic, I was told...
Krakow, Poland travel report by Amanda Bleu

Taste of The Far North

Svalbard or Spitsbergen - arctic territory administrated by Norway lies 78 deg. north - half way bet...
Longyearbyen, Svalbard travel report by Wojciech Dabrowski

Three attempts to reach the Bamiyan Buddha statues

I had one sabbatical year and wished to emulate the romantic hippie’s way of the sixties, when the...
Jalalabad, Afghanistan travel report by jorge sanchez

Japan’s ancient capital

Kyoto is Japan’s ancient capital, and was the seat of power for the Emperor for over a thousand ye...
Kyoto, Japan travel report by James F

Luang Prabang - SE Asia's gem

It has a sleepy languid feel and is wonderful to walk around in and soak up the atmosphere as traffi...
Luang Prabang, Laos travel report by downundergal

“Mouth Watering Kerala Backwaters around Kochi!”

The backwaters are a unique contribution of Kerala to the world and is found no where else. This is a network...   report of the month contest
Dec 2005
Kochi, India travel report by kandath

Return to Middle Ages. Betanzos (Galicia- Spain)

The love of the “Betanceiros” (locals of Betanzos) for their city is displayed yearly every seco...
La Coruna, Spain travel report by Carlos Olmo

A great small schist village: Janeiro de Cima

JC is situated on the bottom of a valley, near Zêzere River. Around, you only find other villages a...
Janeiro de Cima, Portugal travel report by carlagama

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