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Reports 61 - 70 of 411 Page: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

The end of the rainbow

On entering Zambia the desert truly seems so far away; the country is so completely different from N...
Livingstone, Zambia travel report by Amanda Bleu

Three Tuscan cities; Lucca, Firenze and Pisa.

OK – it may shock or horrify but, if I had to pick just one of them to see again, it would be Lucc...
Lucca, Italy travel report by David Cross

Getaway to the \'Other Bali\': Lombok & its Gili(s)

Lombok is a small island 'next' to Bali. It's a 1 hour 40 minutes plane ride from Jakarta and is fam...
Lombok, Indonesia travel report by Bebe Kumaat

Christmas in Polish Royal City, Lwów (Ukraine).

Winter prevented my going to see Polish seaside at Christmas and staying at a hotel in Warsaw was no...
Lviv, Ukraine travel report by Krys Dudek

Finding my religion in Israel

In the Old Testament of the Bible, Israel was the new name given to Jacob, which means “ruling wit...
Jerusalem, Israel travel report by gloriajames

Traveller in Krakow

Kraków is a large city with a population of just under one million and the third largest city after...
Krakow, Poland travel report by marianne

Adventure to Samye Monastery- Journey to Tibet

This secluded monastery is off the banks of the Yellow River. We were told all rivers in East Asia s...
Lhasa Shi, China travel report by vbx000

EVEREST - where the dream came true

No, I did not climb Mount Everest to the top. It requires super fitness, special training and a lot...
Lobuche, Nepal travel report by Wojciech Dabrowski

En route to Paris

Le Havre is the second largest ocean port in France and sits on an estuary of the River Seine; it is...
Le Havre, France travel report by Amanda Bleu

Longshen- A Village Stop on Our Journey

A very simple village, used to tourist groups coming in at staying in their guest lodges. You can hi...
Longsheng, China travel report by vbx000

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