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Amanda's Travel log

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Hi, it's all about the adventure... ((*_*))

Log entries 51 - 60 of 502 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jan 06, 2018 12:00 AM Such a perfect day

Such a perfect day The day started early as I headed to the hairdressers. Just a quick do for me today to look good at the wedding. Had I known I would have brought some formal clothes and shoes so that I had the appropriate attire along with me so I could feel good but as it happened I wear a hand me down dress with flip flops.

But the day was amazing. Although we have too much rain this holiday so it rained and rained and rained.

It was such a good day

Jan 05, 2018 12:00 AM Dance Recital

Dance Recital I had a wonderful time on the island, doing so different things. I went to a dance recital and it was so lovely to see everyone enjoy themselves and to appreciate so of the local dance routines.

Before the performance started I went to watch the cruise ship which was in town depart. It was great watching to world go by and imagining that I was departing on that very cruise ship. WHen I got home I had to check where it was going. Maybe next year i will go on a cruise and enjoy some of the thrills also.

Dec 25, 2017 12:00 AM “On Christmas morning everyone is singing, bring the rum bring the cake”

“On Christmas morning everyone is singing, bring the rum bring the cake” The Christmas service started a 6am on Christmas morning in the largest church on the island. The service was really inspiring and I was able to enjoy the sermon from the new minister.

After the service, they put on an incredible great breakfast with ham, turkey, pumpkin bread, salad, cake, sweet coconut bread and a cup of homemade hot chocolate and while we ate we listened to the soft sounds of the steel pan. It was the best breakfast I have ever had in the Caribbean and I felt privildged to share with the local community.

Dec 18, 2017 12:00 AM Pulling Seine

Pulling Seine It took me a couple of days to get over going to Trinidad. I did 38k steps through the head of the day without not enough water.

But I had promised to go to a pool party so I headed to to Turtle Beach, but to my surprise it was cancelled so I ended up on the beach watching the fishermen and locals pulling in the next for their catch of the day.

I could have helped but it seemed fitting just to capture the moment. I’ve done it before and it is really hard work and you get callouses. But at the end of it free fish is a great reward.

Dec 14, 2017 12:00 AM Early to bed, early to rise

Early to bed, early to rise I had to get up way too early this morning, it didn’t really felt like I even went to bed and had to be up at the airport for the first flight.

After a 20 minute flight, I was on Piarco and heading down to Port of Spain. I decided to take the local bus and it was very convenient and only cost TT$4. The bus was air conditioned so it was a little too cold for that time of the morning. I had a nice day shopping around and seeing a few sights.

But by early afternoon I was ready to head back to Tobago but my flight wasn't until 9pm, so to kill some time I headed to the outskirts of Port of Spain to the Queen’s Park Savannah and visit the Emperor zoo.

I was surprised that I really enjoy seeing the animals. My hightlight was seeing a Bengal tiger. I had never seen one before and I know it was in a cage but not all of use are luck to see tigers in the wild. Oh wait I have seen tigers in the wild.

Dec 13, 2017 12:00 AM Best ice cream ever

Best ice cream ever I haven’t been in Tobago for a long while and it feels great to chill and relax. This is just what the doctor ordered and a very looooong year.

There year was full of twist and turns but survived.

Today I tried the the best flavour ever - pumpkin coconut. Just love the caribbean.

Dec 12, 2017 12:00 AM Maho Beach part one

Maho Beach part one I remember the first time i visited this beach at the bottom of the runway at ARN Robinson Airport and I screamed so loudly when the plane passed over head as it was about to land. The fuselage was incredibly large and I couldn’t believe it.

When I went to St Maarten I was hoping to have the same experience, if not, being a little bit more prepared. Hopefully next year I will return to Maho beach.

Dec 08, 2017 12:00 AM My last days of winter for the year

My last days of winter for the year The snow came early this year and I wasn’t quite ready for it. I was due to fly out in a matter of days so this was completely unwelcome.

This is the final trip for the year and I kind of wish I had done more as I didn’t achieved my goal. I need to got to 4 more places to achieve 100 countries of the world. Now it looks like this will happen next year if I am lucky.

Tobago here I come...

Nov 21, 2017 12:00 AM Great Weekend

Great Weekend Absolutely as great city to hang out in. The only this that I should have thought about was eating out in restaurants. I just assumed it was like every other city and every street corner had a restaurant, but a little bit of planning is called for to enjoy the culinary qualities of Berlin.

I must visit again during the summer season, but the best time ever in this great city.

Nov 20, 2017 12:00 AM Reichstag part deux

Reichstag part deux At least the rain has stopped this morning and heading back to Reichstag to go inside and see the view. I have to admit as I walked around the building with my the headphones I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about the sights around the Berlin and describing the important buildings.

Then headed out to the old airport in central Berlin. I think this is a more of a summer thing to do as, as I got out to the open space if could feel the icicles hanging from my fingers. There were a few brave people out running and cycling but no man nor beast should have been out in this weather.

I think its time to go home and this time I mean home. Thankfully by 12am I was home in my house and tucked in bed.

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