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Photo album by mistybleu: A month in Southern Africa

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A month in Southern Africa

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Jan 2007

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album of the month contest The beauty of Southern African is the colours; the colours that you don’t expect, from to hot red sands of Sossusvlei, to the intense yellow of Skeleton Coast or the brightly coloured buildings of Swakopmund, to the dry dirt of the Kalahari. Everything around there is sun bleached. But this just enhances the beauty of the region; as mixed in, starting at the southern tip of the continent, is the warm ocean blues of coastal Cape Town, then watching the lush green vegetation of northern South Africa change into the dry brown earth of Namibia. Then continuing on through the yellow grass that covered the wide open spaces, across the sand and through the Kalahari of Botswana and then up to Zambia, where the water of Zambezi irrigates the earth. This was my introduction to Africa; 27 days exploring the region from South Africa to Zimbabwe. So many wonderful experiences, so many different people, places and animals seen. Please enjoy my slideshow!

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