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You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced...

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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2011-10-07 08:35 AM   

Congrats on getting MOM; your contribution here is always respected.

Happy travels


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863


Posted: 2011-10-07 07:08 AM   
Hi Wojtek,
congratulations on winning this award again, it's really nice to have your picture back on the front page! I always like to follow you reading your travel log very much. Hope your cold isn't that bad!
All the best - Petra


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

Greek Monasteries

Posted: 2011-10-04 03:49 AM   
Hi Wojtek,

Great many thanks for your travel log on the Greek monasteries. It was the most interesting and very inspiring indeed! It seemed that time did stop a long time ago... no electricity, oil lamps, closed society, women banned... wow.

It was great to read that despite minute food portions, you had enough energy to trek according to your plan and beyond to the Roman Monastery.

Best wishes,


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

Hi Wojtek,

Posted: 2011-10-03 02:25 PM   
thank you very much for letting us know about the inside of the monasteries, very interesting (also for women...)! ;-)
Good luck and a lot of energy for your hikes!!
All the best - Petra


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174


Posted: 2011-09-27 04:23 PM   
All the best with the new adventure in Greece! I keep fingers crossed for you that all turns out well, you cover all what is in your plan and more! I usually find that when I keep close to the locals (and I know that you do, too), they tell me things about those 'secret' places not featured in guidebooks that I am sometimes fortunate to visit. I hope you will be fit to see everything you wish for.

Best wishes,


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

The Guyanas

Posted: 2011-08-27 06:22 PM   
Thank you for your advice. I was expecting this method of transport to be available. But I heard that taking a pirogue was illegal. I will have to find out. I will report back here when I get there, which should be about a week from now.

Best regards


Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174

The Guyanas, et al.

Posted: 2011-08-19 01:45 PM   
Thank you for your well wishes. I realise that traveling in the Guyanas is more challenging than most of the rest of the continent. I booked a flight from Paramaribo to Georgetown with Gum Air, but will have to make an overland and over-rivers journey from Cayenne to Paramaribo, unless there is a carrier that is doing this route by air. I am reading on the net that there is not much there to see en route between those two capitals...

But, if I have to, I throw more money into the budget pot and hire a taxi. At least on the Suriname side. On the French Guiana side the cost of it would be prohibitive, and apparently, there are now regular road links between Cayenne and the Maroni river.

Kind regards


Joined: Dec 05
Points: 13399

Dziękuję bardzo,

Posted: 2011-08-16 04:04 AM   
Witam Panie Wojtku,

Bardzo dziękuję za gratulacje. To zawsze miło otrzymać nagrody - takie momenty cieszą i motywują do dalszej pracy na Globo (ponieważ do podr?żowania nie trzeba mnie motywować :)
Książki jeszcze nie czytałem ale myślę że w tym miesiącu dokonam jej zakupu (o ile się nie mylę najłatwiej przez - w końcu jest Pan moim guru - nieprzeczytanie Pańskiej książki byłoby grzechem :)

Miłego dnia


Joined: Oct 03
Points: 4551


Posted: 2011-08-15 07:53 AM   
Have fun on Vieques....although close tp Culebra you might have to go via Puerto Rico (Fajardo) to connect via ferry. There are few guest houses there. We rented an apartment.

If you have only one day you can walk to Sun Bay from Esperanza. Hopefully you can get an evening in as the BIo Bay is a must see. Enjoy!


Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

Thank you very much, Wojtek,

Posted: 2011-07-23 06:38 PM   
for your nice entry in my gb! Your Wojtkówka is just wonderful! I've especially admired the radish! ;-) When and where are you going to travel next?
Have a very fine Sunday -
best regards from Germany - Petra

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