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The Good Spanish Monk's by aufgehts

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information about united-states  St. AugustineUnited States, Florida
In the courtyard of the Oldest House...good monk with the poor heathen Indian boy (not my view!). Another interesting sculpture.
Uploaded: Feb, 25 2009 | Taken: Feb, 21 2009| Viewed: 22 times  | 2 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-H3 | Exposure 10/1000s, ISO 125 | FLength: 9mm

jacko1 - Feb, 25 2009 10:02pm
Interesting picture Jill, how old is this house?.

aufgehts - Feb, 25 2009 11:02pm
It dates before 1721. Hey, that's really old for the US!

jacko1 - Feb, 25 2009 11:02pm
I am used newish buildings hehe, my local pub dates back to 1580 and it is by no means the oldest property around and most still being used.

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