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Unusual flower's by aufgehts

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information about united-states  Estes ParkUnited States, Colorado
Cool yellow flower-like plant in Colorado
Uploaded: Oct, 12 2009 | Taken: Sep, 03 2009| Viewed: 25 times  | 4 votes
Camera: SONY | Model: DSC-H3 | Exposure 1/40s, ISO 400 | FLength: 18mm | SW:

pesu - Oct, 12 2009 04:10pm
I like the simplicity, shapes and colours of this pic - blossoms having lost their petals?

aufgehts - Oct, 12 2009 04:10pm
Thanks Petra, I like this one too. I'm really not sure if these had petals...the one in the back looks like it has one yellow petal left?

jacko1 - Oct, 12 2009 10:10pm
A strange looking plant Jill, we don't get these in Devon that's for sure.

horourke - Oct, 13 2009 02:10am
I think they had daisy-like petals or something like "Black-eyed-Susan I love the soft focus background profusion of colour

horourke - Oct, 13 2009 02:10am
I think the flower with yellow petals on this postage stamp is probably the same

aufgehts - Oct, 13 2009 03:10am
I think you're right again, Hugh. If I remember correctly, many of the Black-eyed Susans were past their peak and had lost their petals.

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