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Michael's Gate's by basia

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information about slovakia  BratislavaSlovakia
In Bratislava, Slovakia, Michael's Gate is the only gate that has been preserved of the medieval fortifications and ranks among the oldest town buildings. Built about the year 1300, its present shape is the result of baroque reconstructions in 1758, when the statue of St. Michael and the Dragon was placed on its top. The tower houses the Exhibition of Weapons of Bratislava City Museum.
Uploaded: Jan, 11 2009 | Taken: May, 03 2006| Viewed: 27 times  | 3 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E3100 | Exposure 10/3494s, ISO 100 | FLength: 5mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

krisek - Jan, 11 2009 11:01am
Basia, this is a good exposure! I like the shadows and lighting...

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