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Not very pretty's by davidx

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information about morocco  Setti FatmaMorocco, Marrakech
Not Setti Fatma either but a village by the Ourika Valley that we passed en route.
Uploaded: Dec, 02 2007 | Taken: Nov, 08 2007| Viewed: 26 times  | 3 votes

marianne - Dec, 02 2007 03:12pm
David, This is a recently, though not VERY recently built village. People did not want to live in the kasbah any longer, but in proper houses. This is not a very good idea because concrete / brick houses are very hot in summer and very cold in winter. (Moroccan houses seldom have heating) The pisé houses have a constant temperature. Migrant workers who went to France brought back money totheir villages but also new ideas about housing.

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