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David's Travel log

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Log entries 1 - 10 of 35 Page: 1 2 3 4

May 05, 2012 04:00 PM L'Aquila 3 years after the earthquake

L'Aquila 3 years after the earthquake In I said a lot about L'Aquila before the April 2009 earthquake.

Outside Italy and often nside as well it is very difficult to find out the current situation in L'Aquila. I assumed that there would still be visible effects but that most of the necessary work had been done. No way!!

Many countries offered help at the time - only two have delivered any. An earthquakes effects depend a lot on geology. Thus in the surroundings of L'Aquila a village was destroyed totally with many deaths but another less than half a mile away was undamaged.

In the suburbs of the city itself there are new and pretty basic houses. Older properties have a lot of cracks but it would be possible not to realise there had been a major quake if you did not already know.

However the centre is very different and it almost moved me to tears. The two most spectacular churches still have their façades due to the coincidence of timing of repair scaffolding. The insides are not usable. The former market square only has the cathedral that is semi-functional. last time I was there on a Sunday morning there were people everywhere and it was only possible to move a few feet between their friends greeting our friends. This time it would not be true to say nobody was there but Ihere were VERY few.

All along the wonderfully arcaded main drag there are wire fences so that nobody can enter the buildings and, poignant in the extreme, many of the former inhabitants, shp and office workers have attached their keys to the wire - with a placard to say that the keys were side by side with their hopes.

L'Aquila is now recognisd to have been very high on the list of art and archeology cities in all Italy - no more - it's centre is an ex-place where there is still a large army presence to deter looters.

Dec 20, 2011 07:00 PM Christmas wishes

I am spending some time at Greenlaw in the Scottish Borders, including Christmas, with my daughter. In spite of the family's kindness, it will be a matter of getting through this year.
I wish a Happy Christmas for those in a position to enjoy it, peace for those who are not. If you don't recognise Christmas, Happy New Year - - and if your New Year is on a different day, why not enjoy ours as well.

Sep 05, 2011 02:00 PM Pam (my wife)

Just to bring my last entry up to date - Pam died 2011-08-05.

Jul 01, 2011 02:00 PM First for a long time

There is a good reason why I have not done a report for a considerable time - namely that my wife has had a succession of illnesses since our return from Sicily last spring (2010) so I have not been anywhwere.

However I was able to get out for half a day this week while my son held the fort at home. There was obviously not time to go very far but I took advantage of my Senior Citizen's card to go to Wakefield to visit 'The Hepworth,' a new sculptue gallery named after Dame Barbara Hepworth (deceased) one of the greatest 20th century British sculptors.

Our rail non-system has not yet caught up with the idea tha it might just be beneficial to have some direction signs about which station to use so this might be helpful. The Hepworth is only a short walk from the shamelessly neglected Wakefield Kirkgate station but, unless you are reasonably local, it is probably best to use Wakefield Westfield and get a free bus straight outside that runs direct to 'The Hepworth' in off-peak hours (oterwise you can take it to Kirkgate and walk, as I did.

I shall do a tip on The Hepworth' itself.

Mar 31, 2011 02:00 PM Hear that trumpet?

It's me - blowing my own trumpet!

I see that I have gone beyond 10 million visitors. I am not generally that bothered by figures but I guess that is one I can really be proud of.

Dec 25, 2009 07:00 PM My website - apologies

Oh dear -what can I say? Only the truth I suppose.

I sudddenly became aware that my website was published on Globo and went to look at it. It was a bit of a shock to realise how long it was since my last visit.

I was even more startled when I looked at the guestbook to see unanswered entries from Globo members. Hence i apologise to all who have visited and been disappointed, particularly those who left the messages.

When I stated to look at the website I was seeing whether there was anything against simply removing the link here. I decided on the opposite - to develop the website. I have made a start.

Oct 05, 2009 02:00 PM Exhibition - time limit

Exhibition - time limit Hi
I'm just back from Madrid and will do some entries for it shortly. This is just to advise those who are able to get to Madrid in the near future that there is a really superb exhibition free at the CaixaForum (near Atocha Station).
It has numerous models, photos and films of works of Richard Rogers and fellow architects.

Jun 02, 2009 02:00 PM Family wedding

Family wedding Some may be interested to know that we were in Berwick-upon-Tweed at the weekend for my daughter's wedding.

I have posted two travel tips here about accommodation and restaurant.

Oct 02, 2008 02:00 PM Coimbra break

Here I am with my short break nearly over - I fly back tomorrow. I have done most of the things that Jorge so kindly recommended but I did not buy a tile at conimbriga. This place was my one disappointment.
Perhaps, when you information signs are tnadequate, you should remove them completely before you fit new ones - but it makes no sense to me.
Otherwise it has been great.

Jul 14, 2008 02:00 PM Mixed weather - magnificent views again

Mixed weather - magnificent views again Here showers and bright periods means downpours and remarkable sun - sometimes both at once. It would seem that a trip to Mikines, the best puffin and gannet island, would be too much for me by way of long steep slopes so Judith took us to look at this and some outstandingly spectacular [even for here] smaller islands. this trip included the most modern tunnel in the Færoes.

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