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Unusually elaborate building's by davidx

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information about morocco  Setti FatmaMorocco, Marrakech
Our bus stopped for us to photograph this but unfortunately the driver did not have sufficient English to tell us what we were seeing.
Uploaded: Dec, 02 2007 | Taken: Nov, 08 2007| Viewed: 30 times  | 2 votes

marianne - Dec, 02 2007 03:12pm
David, I am pretty sure that this is one of the many kasbahs which served as feudal castles for the community's defence well into the 20th century. They are made of pisé, reinforced mud. Every year after the spring rains a new layer must be applied. If this is not done they crumble away. I saw quite a few dilapidated one in Figuig and other places in the south.

davidx - Dec, 02 2007 04:12pm
I think, having read your comment, that the driver probably did try to tell us.

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