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Heading to the longhouse 'Headhouse' (Baruk)'s by el2995

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information about malaysia  KuchingMalaysia
A headhouse, or Baruk, is a key feature of a Bidayuh longhouse. Baruks are used as a place to lodge heads taken in battle (the Bidayuh are one of the ethnic tribes in Borneo that practiced headhunting, where the head of an enemy warrior killed in battle would be taken as a trophy), a type of rest house for visitiors and as a venue for meetings or discussions. Other than that, the Baruk serve as a place for religious and cultural Bidayuh ceremonies.
Uploaded: Jan, 30 2012 | Taken: Dec, 11 2007| Viewed: 15 times  | 1 vote
Camera: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD. | Model: EX-S600 | Exposure 1/320s | FLength: 6mm | SW: 1.00

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