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Local woman and lama in the streets of Cuzco's by frenchfrog

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information about peru  CuzcoPeru, Cusco
A popular scene in Cuzco.
Uploaded: Feb, 24 2006 | Taken: Sep, 21 2005| Viewed: 102 times  | 18 votes

bertison - Feb, 24 2006 12:02pm
what a beauty unique streetlife. great

rangutan - Feb, 24 2006 01:02pm
5*colour pic ff! What are they both staring at? That makes the picture so brilliant, faces! Colour too, the violet reflection (BR from window?) can easily be removed digitally & does not disturb me.

szidonia - Feb, 25 2006 09:02am
amazing picture! Is there a baby in the lap of the woman?

leillli - Apr, 29 2006 02:04am
great showing culture again:)

dantrenner - Oct, 18 2006 01:10pm
Great color and composition! Thanks!

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