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Ruins of Ollantaytambo.'s by frenchfrog

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information about peru  OllantaytamboPeru, Cusco
End of the day over the ruins of Ollantayta-mbo with its impressive stone terraces.
Uploaded: Feb, 26 2006 | Taken: Sep, 16 2005| Viewed: 28 times  | 5 votes

bertison - Feb, 26 2006 12:02pm
unbelievable thats all handmade

marianne - Feb, 26 2006 12:02pm
This shot is slightly uninmaginative. There is nothing to show its vastness (at least I think it is huge),. Bottom left there is a person, if I am not mistaken.

marianne - Feb, 26 2006 12:02pm
If the person had been more prominent, the vastness of the place would have been emphasized. But sometimes it is impossible to wait for people to appear in the right places. Still I like this photo

bertison - Feb, 26 2006 06:02pm
open your eyes !! l/h bottom is a person ! this shows the size! and please make a fair rate !!!

rangutan - Feb, 26 2006 10:02pm
This area (including M'Picchu) is more increadible than the Pyramids of Giza and Valley of Kings?

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