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The Volcano's by frenchfrog

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information about reunion  Piton de La FournaiseReunion, Reunion
At the front you can see an old Lava flow but on the back the uder ths clouds where steam is comming out it is fresh lava only 5 days old!
Uploaded: Sep, 05 2006 | Taken: Jul, 25 2006| Viewed: 28 times  | 2 votes

rangutan - Sep, 12 2006 06:09am
Isabelle, who rated 2* does not venture out of a city very often? Not like a rose but to me this is dramatic and unusual, I can smell the sulphur and feel radiation just looking at the picture!

frenchfrog - Sep, 12 2006 11:09am
Thank Rudi, It was difficult as it was pouring down with rain!The original looked much better!

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