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Local woman and lama in the streets of Cuzco

Peru - Cusco - Cuzco2005-09-21 send as postcard
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Sacsayhuaman 1

Peru - Cusco - Cuzco2005-09-14 send as postcard
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Machu Picchu: the living quarters

Peru - Cusco - Machu Picchu2005-09-20 send as postcard
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La Cathedral

Peru - Ica - Ballestas islands2005-09-05 send as postcard
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Do you want to buy a rug?

Peru - Lake Titicaca2005-09-11 send as postcard
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The courtyard of San Francisco convent

Peru - Lima - Lima2005-09-04 send as postcard
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Artistic looking boat made of reed

Peru - Lake Titicaca2005-09-11 send as postcard
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Peru - Lima - Lima2004-09-04 send as postcard
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This is the way it's done my son!

Peru - Arequipa - Chivay2005-09-10 send as postcard
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Red Chapel

Peru - Arequipa - Arequipa2005-09-08 send as postcard
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Peru - Cusco - Pisac2005-09-15 send as postcard
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Lavenderia, the old style

Peru - Arequipa - Arequipa2005-09-08 send as postcard
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San Jose Village

Peru - Loreto - Iquitos2005-09-25 send as postcard
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Terraces of the Inca ruins

Peru - Cusco - Ollantaytambo2005-09-16 send as postcard
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Dead Woman Pass 4200m (2)

Peru - Cusco - Machu Picchu2005-09-17 send as postcard
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Inca Terraces

Peru - Cusco - Machu Picchu2005-09-20 send as postcard
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Ruins at Pisac

Peru - Cusco - Pisac2005-09-15 send as postcard
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Temple of the Sun

Peru - Cusco - Machu Picchu2005-09-19 send as postcard
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Watchman's hut

Peru - Cusco - Machu Picchu2005-09-20 send as postcard
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Who left the door opened?

Peru - Cusco - Ollantaytambo2005-09-16 send as postcard

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frenchfrog 's travel pictures
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    Annapurna I (1)
    Lake Baikal (5)
    Irkutsk (4)
    Munich (2)
    Cuzco (9)
    Iquitos (14)
    Barabinsk (2)
    Krasnoyarsk (2)
    Saint Petersburg (24)
    Orsha (5)
    Machhapuchhre (2)
    Pokhara (1)
    Berlin (2)
    Moscow (18)
    Terelj (10)
    Ulaan Baatar Hoto (6)
    Puno (8)
    Lake Titicaca (13)
    Taquile Island (3)
    Ballestas islands (5)
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