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1 - This is a dreadful navigation's by jorgesanchez

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information about st-helena  Tristan Island SettlementSt. Helena
Never travel to Tristan da Cunha in wintertime!

Everybody was in the cabin, tied to their beds with safety belts, without eating; even getting to the toilet was a real adventure.
Outside there were endless storms, thunderbolts, strong winds, cold, rain, wild waves… even the sailors were vomiting.

I especially show you this (far from good) picture, for you to realize that the conditions of that navigation were pitiful, always dark, always oscillating from 90 degrees larboard to 90 degrees starboard.
But the adventure is the adventure!
Uploaded: Jan, 07 2008 | Taken: Jul, 01 2007| Viewed: 25 times  | 2 votes

rangutan - Jan, 09 2008 10:01am
Not a touristy shot but and exciting and dramatic attempt to capture conditions. [3.7] Thanks for showing us your rare and remote photography!

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