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Aperos y Viandas's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  ZamoraSpain
The Spanish (Castilian) language is so rich! Unfortunately in some parts of Spain, where they have another co official language, wicked politicians promote the hatred to the Spanish language, spoken by over 400 millions people in the world, and forbid it inside those parts of Spain…!!! (as it is the case in the Spanish autonomy where I live, where its schools forbid to teach Spanish and even avoid to speak it to the children in the patios where they play! If the teachers catch a child speaking Spanish, he will be admonished).

Apero is an old word that I did not know. It means instruments for farming. And viandas is a Cervantes time’s beautiful word meaning food, meal.

If you want to learn Spanish you should go to Castilla, especially to Valladolid, Salamanca or Zamora.
Uploaded: Mar, 22 2008 | Taken: Jan, 16 2008| Viewed: 22 times  | 2 votes

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