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Bus stop in the most remote island of the world's by jorgesanchez

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information about st-helena  Tristan Island SettlementSt. Helena
I was surprised to see this sign in an island with about 275 inhabitants and only 10 kilometres of asphalted road. But during my stay I never saw any bus, most of the people have cars, and even one of them owns a Mercedes Benz!
Uploaded: Dec, 11 2007 | Taken: Jul, 01 2007| Viewed: 33 times  | 4 votes

marianne - Dec, 12 2007 08:12am
Jorge, If you had said that this was in Scotland I would have believed you. Especially the bus stop sign is truly Scottish (or for some Bristish)

rangutan - Dec, 12 2007 12:12pm
Well observed and captured! Bus? I am sure once per month :-)

jorgesanchez - Dec, 12 2007 02:12pm
Marianne, the first settler was a Scottish, Mister William Glass. And even the capital of the island is called Edinburgh of the Seven Seas. The “Tristans” are very proud to have Scottish blood in their veins, and one of the fishing boats serving Tristan da Cunha from Cape Town is called Kelso, like the Scottish town where Mr Glass was born.

davidx - Dec, 12 2007 02:12pm
Jorge - I shoud have been surprised if you had said it was Scotland. They do have buses in some way out places but often they think anybody who wants a bus will know where to wait and there is no sign.
Also it's common for the most rural buses to stop absolutely anywhere to put down or pick up. Do they only stop by the sign here?

jorgesanchez - Dec, 12 2007 03:12pm
David, at about 5 kilometres from Edinburgh of the Seven Seas the locals have potatoes fields and rudimentary houses to keep them (potatoes and fish is their main diet). They go there often, so I imagine that the bus service is to the potatoes fields, but during the week that I spent there I never saw the bus.

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