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Four Nobel prices's by jorgesanchez

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information about south-africa  Cape TownSouth Africa
This statue is in the waterfront. Nelson Mandela is on the right side of the picture
Uploaded: Dec, 10 2007 | Taken: Aug, 05 2007| Viewed: 27 times  | 2 votes

rangutan - Dec, 10 2007 07:12pm
These are the four SA "Nobel Peace Prize" winners, Albert Luthuli (1960), Desmond Tutu (1984), FW de Klerk & Nelson Mandela jointly (1993).

Nobel Prizes were also given in other fields to South Africans;
Aaron Klug (Chemistry-1982), Max Theiler (Medicine-1951), Alan M. Cormack (Medicine-1979), Sydney Brenner (Medicine- 2002), Nadine Gordimer (Literature-1991), JM Coetzee (Literature-2003).

jorgesanchez - Dec, 10 2007 08:12pm
Rudi, congratulations. I will complement my picture explanation by pointing out the order, from left to right, they are: Nkosi Albert Luthuli, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and former Presidents F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela.
Eight more South Africa pictures to follow (Port Elizabeth) within a few minutes, that I am pretty sure that you will like them. Please, do not go to sleep yet.

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