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Historical Donkin Street's by jorgesanchez

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information about south-africa  Port ElizabethSouth Africa
It is close to the Tourist Office where I went to collect information about the town, because I never travel with “guides”; they are expensive, take space in my small bag, and usually the information than contain is obsolete because when they are edited, at least 2 years have elapsed since the author visited the places mentioned in it.
Uploaded: Dec, 10 2007 | Taken: Jul, 18 2007| Viewed: 30 times  | 3 votes

horourke - Dec, 11 2007 01:12pm
yes i found even the most internationally reliable guide quite useless (in fact it caused something of an altercation between Deise and me) when the authorities in Verona had decided to move the tourist information office to a quite new location over a mile from the place listed by the guide book. I had been generously given the book by an Americann traveller whom i had met in Rome two years previously

rangutan - Dec, 12 2007 11:12am
Jorge a very good general tip for travel anywhere on the globe! I do that too. Planning in advance using the internet or library is best, I take one general guide/phrase book and always a lot of maps. Tourist ("visitor") centers are always marked very well ("I") and the material is mostly free and actual. They always give actual info on current events and special deals too.
Great pic :-)

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