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Monument to first circumnavigators of the world's by jorgesanchez

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information about spain  GetariaSpain
Hans, from Aachen, was the first German circumnavigator of the world. The first Italians were Pigafetta, of course, another one from Savona and one third from Napoli. Then one French from Evreux, and the rest were all Spaniards under the leadership of Juan Sebastian Elcano.

Some people say that that the Indonesian (made slave by Magellan) who betrayed Magellan in Mactan Island (and because of that he was killed), was the first circumnavigator of the world, But this is wrong because he never made it to Spices islands from Philippines, and most probably he died in Mactan Island killed as a traitor by Lapu Lapu.
Uploaded: Mar, 20 2008 | Taken: Mar, 03 2008| Viewed: 28 times  | 1 vote
Camera: NIKON | Model: E5600 | Exposure 10/726s, ISO 50 | FLength: 5mm | SW: E5600v1.0

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