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Shepherds's by jorgesanchez

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information about armenia  GyumriArmenia, Gyumri
They were somewhere between Gyumri and the border with Georgia
Uploaded: Jan, 01 2008 | Taken: Oct, 19 2007| Viewed: 69 times  | 6 votes

marianne - Jan, 02 2008 08:01am
Jorge, You captured vastness and solitude very nicely

horourke - Jan, 02 2008 12:01pm
I can almost here the sweet sorrowful strains of balalaika music accross this enormous plain. From such a tragic country some very joyful music has come.

jorgesanchez - Jan, 02 2008 01:01pm
Hugh, you are right, Armenians have suffered very much in History, like Jews, Kurdish, and so many other peoples.
Armenians have a wonderful music and many bards (or troubadours) interpreting lovely melodies with their Duduks, a wind instrument like the clarinet (but they do not use balalaika, which is a Russian instrument!).
I have at home an old tape with Armenian Sacred Music from the Forth and Fifth Centuries (when they adopted Christianity) that I bought many years ago (during Soviet Union times) in Echmiadzin, and I listen to it very often at home, and feel delighted, like in the Seventh Heaven.
One of the themes was composed by Mesrop Machdotz, the wise man who created the Armenians alphabet. It is a pity that we can’t upload music fragments in Globosapiens to accompany reports and pictures!

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