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A piece of Spain in France

information about spain  Llivia - Spain

Llivia was founded in the valley of the Cerdana, in the Pyrenees, by the Romans, who called it Julia Lybica and was then the capital of the Roman Ceretania. It has the older active pharmacy in Europe, dated from 1415, which together with its museum an old church in front and the ruins of a castle, constitutes the main tourist attraction.

In 1659, due to the Treaty of the Pyrenees between France and Sopain, and a year later with the Treaty of Llivia, part of the Cerdana valley, which was then Spanish, was shared with France, whose government obtained 33 small villages north of the Pyrenees, but Llivia, having the status of town given by the Hapsburg Emperor Charles V, remained in the Spanish territory although completely surrounded by France.
There are several hotels and restaurants in this hilly small town of about 1000 inhabitants and 13 square kilometres.
Llivia can be compared with the Italian enclave of Campione d’Italia or the German Busingen, both in Switzerland.

Address: at 4 kilometres of Puigcerda

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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