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information about spain  Barcelona - Spain

Travel literature, guides and maps.
This is a temple for the travellers, the kilometre cero. A unique library devoted entirely to the travels with a great collection of maps.
It is even greater then the mythical (and first founded in Europe) Ulysses library in Paris (so named because before there was a library devoted to James Joyce).
There is a announcements tableau where people sell tickets or request company to share expenses to cross the Sahara dessert in a land rover, or look for a companion to make an around the world journey.
They also sell folkloric music from the five continents.
Even if you do not have any intention to buy any book, it is worth to have a look at it if you are a traveller in transit to Barcelona. The travel atmosphere is contagious. They sell books not only in Spanish, but also in French, English and many other European languages.
They have a filial in Madrid.

Address: Gran Via 616

Phone: + 93 3427171
Price: budget

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