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Aragata (Camino de Santiago Club)

information about spain  Hospitalet - Spain

Familiar restaurants at good prices with a large choice of tapas and Aragonese, Catalan and Galician food.
This restaurant is at the same time a centre for pilgrims ready to go on foot to Santiago de Compostela, in Galicia, starting in Hospitalet following an historic way. They will furnish you for free the Pilgrim Credential (indispensable to undertake the Camino). They will also supply you all kind of information and brochures (the owner is and inveterate pilgrim, and has made the Camino on foot several times).
Once a year they organize a pictures contest (with prizes up to 500 euros for the best picture) and books presentations related with the Camino.
Pleasant atmosphere. Metro Station Coll Blanch (Linea numero 5)

Address: Calle Montseny 105

Phone: + 93 4494555
Price: budget

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