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Capilla Real

information about spain  Granada - Spain

Apart from the Alhambra, another very interesting visit in Granada consists in the magnificent Cathedral and the Capilla Real, a holy place in the history of Spain. Within this Royal Chapel, in a beautiful marble mausoleum, lay the rests of our Catholic Kings (Isabel and Fernando) plus their daughter Juana with her husband Felipe (son of Emperor Maximilian) and their son Miguel.
In is interior you will also admire the Sacristia and the museum, which contains many valuable paintings by Sandro Botticelli (La Oracion del Huerto), Alonso Cano, Pedro Berruguete, Rogier van der Weiden, etc.
The entrance fee is not expensive, but you need to pay two separate tickets to visit both the Capilla Real and the Cathedral, which is next door.

Address: Calle Oficios s/n

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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