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Climbing the Fuji Yama (3776 metres)

information about japan  Mishima - Japan, Shizuoka

There are five points to start this trekking, only allowed during July and August: Mishima, Fujinomiya, Gotemba, Subashiri and Kawaguchiko.

I started from Kawaguchiko (it is not in Globo data and I have substituted it for Mishima). Together with me came thousands of Japanese pilgrims with sticks singing Shinto litanies. Every now and then you find houses where lived the Oshis, or guardian monks of this holy trekking to help the pilgrims and today are used as ryokan. You have to pay to sleep in them; you pay even for a glass of water. For the hot iron notch in your stick they charge 200 yens.
I slept in a ryokan in the ninth stage, and next morning at 5 am I saw the majestic sunrise. The reward was breathtaking; the Fuji Yama (Fuji-san) is wonderful, surrounded by five lakes.

When I went down to Mishima the pilgrims respected me very much for being a gaikoku-jin and, inviting me to drink sake, they greeted me inclining half of their body forward until reaching 90 degrees.

Address: Fuji-san
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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