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Detski Mir

information about russia  Moscow - Russia, Moskva

This internet cafe is in the center, in the famous square and metro station Lybianka. It is open 24 hours a day, they have garderob service for free where you can leave your shapka, perchatki and palto. They serve coffee and 1 hour is only 40 rubles (a little bit more than 1 euro), bur during the night it is cheaper and you can even sleep sitting down in your internet cafe chair.
To get there first go to the children big shop Detski Mir (world of the children) and you will see a lift and a disco, then go upstairs and you will find the internet cafe with games for children, toilets and the cafeteria. The waiters will bring the cafe, or tea, to your table.

Address: Kuznetsky Most 20
Phone: + non available
Price: budget

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