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Hafiz and Sadi mausoleums

information about iran  Shiraz - Iran, Fårs

Every tourist to Iran visits, without exception, enchanting Isfahan, but few tourists venture a little bit down until Shiraz, and they miss a wonderful town.
From Shiraz (Iran capital during several periods in the past), a pretty town founded in the VII century, you can reach Persepolis, UNESCO Patrimony of Humankind.
There is also a lovely mosque called “Masjid-i-Jama” (Masjid is an Arabic word meaning Mosque).
Furthermore, in historical Shiraz was born the poets Hafiz, whose real name was Mohammed Shams od-Din but obtained the title of Hafiz (the one who has memorized the Koran), and Sadi, whose both mausoleums are tourist highlights.
I went to Shiraz in a kind of pilgrimage to pay respect to the authors of Divan and The Orchard, and was not deceived at all.

Address: downtown Shiraz
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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