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Hostel Bagus

information about indonesia  Tuktukgaja - Indonesia

For just a few US dollars I rented a house, for me alone, in Samosir Island, inside the salted Lake Toba, in Sumatra. The house belonged to the Hostel Bagus, in the village of Tuktukgaja. The natives of the island were batak.
That place is idyllic with a fantastic view of the lake. You have to climb to the wooden houses through several steps; they have the form of the horns of a buffalo. Every now and then sellers will offer you exotic fruits and cool drinks, and during the evenings you have many activities to dinner out or watch local shows.

You can reach Lake Toba by direct bus from Jakarta (about 40 hours plus the time lost in the constant bus damages plus the boat from Java to Sumatra).

If, after Sumatra, you plan to visit Malaysia, then you have two main boats services. The first sails from the port of Medan (Belawan) until the lovely Penang Island, or you can descend to Dumai and board a ferry to historical Melaka, which was what I did.

Address: Samosir island

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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