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Islas Chafarinas

information about spain  Melilla - Spain

These islands of volcanic origin are an archipelago composed by Santa Isabel, Rey, and the only inhabited Congreso. Today constitute a Natural Park. It is a paradise for ornithologists (there is the greatest colony of Audoin sea gulls in the world, plus fishing eagles, cormoran (sea raven), and focas monje (Monk Seals).

Although the archipelago is military, shielded by a contingent of soldiers, and only fishermen can land there, once a year, during the Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen, the Major of Melilla follows an ancient tradition called Romeria (a sui géneris ecclesiastic Spanish pilgrimage), and organizes free trips by boats to the islands, situated at about 50 kilometres of distance from Melilla.

I heard that presently, after the Perejil islet argument with Morocco a few years ago, the Spanish Army does not authorize these pleasant free journeys to the Chafarinas, but probable will be resumed in the future.

You can get to Melilla by boat from Almeria,one night navigation.

Address: 50 kms. from Melilla

Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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