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Île de Pins

New Caledonia seduces before landing for the long and mountainous form of the main island. This French territory is an archipelago composed by still several islands: the Loyalty and yet a tiny island called Île de Pins, that I chose to spend a few days in its paradisiacal beaches of turquoise colour and with such a white sand that it reminded me the talcum powder.

The glamorous capital Noumea is called the Paris of the Pacific for its elegant boutiques and excellent quality French restaurants. From there you take a small airplane to get to Ïle of Pins and marvel at the view of the many characteristic towering pines of the sort Araucaria Columnaris, reaching up to 50 metres high.

Without doubt Île de Pins is one of the loveliest islands in the whole Pacific. Some tourists buy a one day excursion and return in the evening to Noumea, which is a pity. Much better is to enjoy the island for at least three days.

Address: Île de Pins
New Caledonia
New Caledonia
Phone: + no available
Price: mid range

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