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Lost World

information about ecuador  Puerto Ayora - Ecuador, Galápagos

A visit the Galapagos Islands is like going back in time. Thousands of years ago the Earth should had been like today’s Galapagos.

During your stay you will see enormous Galapagos in the Estacion Charles Darwin, plus iguanas, penguins, sea lions, pelicans, and many other animals. They are not afraid of men. One week is the minimum time that you will need to visit the most interesting islands.

There are local pensions in Puerto Ayora, where you can spend the night.

To travel there is not too expensive. Flying is the customary way (one and a half hours) because the boats from Guayaquil are irregular. The airport is located in Isla de Baltra.

It is better and cheaper to contract the excursions together with local people, with Ecuadorians, to any of the many islands, returning the same day in the evening. Food and drinks are included in the low prices. If you are a gringo and so unfortunate that you do not speak Spanish (what a shame!) then be prepared to spend much more money

Address: Islas Galapagos
Puerto Ayora
Phone: + no available
Price: mid range

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