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Nicholas Roerich Museum

information about united-states  New York - United States, New York

This is a fantastic museum if you like the paintings of the Himalaya and the mythical Shambala.
First, this San Petersburg born artist, painted Russian mythology paintings (there are some in Tretiakovskaya Galereia, Moscow) but afterwards he started to travel around Central Asia and the Himalaya in search of the mythic city Shangri-la and his paintings became more mystic.
Nikolai Roerich died in Kulu, Himachal Pradesh, India (I visited that place a few years ago, today converted in a kind of temple), and his body cremated following his will. His son, Sviatoslav, was also a painter (he died a few years ago).
There are also Roerich museums in Moscow and Novosibirsk.
In the New York museum they will sell you reproduction of his paintings. I bought several postcards.

Address: 319 West 107th street
New York
New York
United States
Phone: + 212 864 7752
Price: budget

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