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Padres Reparadores

information about spain  Puente la Reina - Spain

Excellent dormitory with kitchen.
This is a pilgrims meeting point coming from the two main ways of the Camino de Santiago: Saint Jean Pied de Port (Camino Frances) and from Somport (Camino Aragones).
In Puente la Reina there are plenty of restaurants at pilgrim prices.
The place is also a religious college (seminary) and has a stunning temple dating from the XV century. At the beginning of the XX century a German priest, Padre Guillermo Zicke, bought the nearby Convento del Crucifijo (Crucifix Convent).
It was founded by the Order of Saint John of Jerusalem and later the Caballeros of the Order of Malta added a hospital to feed and attend the hungry, sick and dying pilgrims going of coming from Santiago de Compostela.

Address: Plaza Padre Guillermo Zicke s/n
Puente la Reina

Phone: + 948340050
Price: budget

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