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Parroquia San Juan de Ortega

information about spain  San Juan de Ortega - Spain

This is the first shelter that you encounter when you cross the Montes de Oca (Goose Mountains) during several hours without meeting a single soul.
It is ruled by the priest, a very charismatic man who will prepare succulent garlic soups.
The dormitory is upstairs, sometimes does not have hot water, nor blankets (in winter that area is really very cold!), but the place is fantastic. You should visit the temple where in the summer and winter equinoctials the light of the sun falls through a specially opened hole to show the Annunciation of Saint Gabriel to the Virgin Mary statues.
You have a nice restaurant besides the Parroquia (Parish) to order beer and tapas.

Address: Plaza Mayor 2
San Juan de Ortega

Phone: + 947 56 04 38
Price: budget

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