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PERSEPOLIS (The city of the Persians)

information about iran  Shiraz - Iran, Fårs

Based in Shiraz, where I visited the monuments of Sadi and Hafiz, I made 1 day excursion to Persepolis, at about 60 kms.
Since transport is so cheap, almost for free, I decided not to hitchhike or walking and to get there by taxi instead, something that I do very rarely.

Persepolis was one of the ancient capitals of Persia and the residence of the Aquemenides Kings. I saw the rests of several buildings over a great terrace on stone with thirteen great columns still standing, surrounded by a wall of bricks. The Palace and the Audience Hall of Dario I are ornamented by sculptures in relief representing Aquemenide ceremonies.

Unfortunately, Alexander of Macedonia burned and razed this old town in the year 330 B.C. (and he is still called the Great!)
After their defeat by the Greeks, the angry Persians killed their king Dario III.

People are very friendly in Iran; even young girls will smile at you in the streets and will stop you to ask you questions to practice their English.

Address: located close to Takht-i Jamshid
Phone: + no available
Price: budget

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