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Restaurante Pablo (Uruguayan meat)

information about spain  Madrid - Spain

This is a centrically located restaurant at five minutes walking from Puerta del Sol where they serve generous and economical dishes. They are specialized in imported meat from Uruguay and Argentina. You will be offered lots of excellent meat, the best of the world, as everybody knows.
They also have Galician cuisine with seafood specialities.

The owner, Pablo, was born in Uruguay but his parents are from Galicia, in Spain. By the way, all the Spaniards are called “Gallegos” in the whole of Hispanic America; for the South Americans it does not matter if you are from Andalusia, Aragon, Catalonia or Castile, anyway, if you were born in Spain you are a Gallego.

Address: Calle Preciados 34

Phone: + 91 5312774
Price: budget

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