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Restaurantes Los Caracoles

information about spain  Barcelona - Spain

This is, without doubt, the most charismatic restaurant in Barcelona.
It is located in a lane next to the Ramblas and to the Plaza Real, and was inaugurated in 1835, being one of the oldest restaurants in Spain (the oldest restaurant in the world, without interruption, according the Guinness Book of Records, is Sobrinos de Botin, in Madrid, where they will give you a certificate for having had dinner). It has two floors and the main speciality is escargots (caracoles means in Spanish escargots). Prices are not too expensive compared with Botafumeiro restaurant (the most expensive restaurant in Barcelona, serving seafood from Galicia) but meats and fish are delicious (try the Bouillabaisse soup as first dish and Crema Catalana as dessert).
In all the rooms of the two floors you will see all popular personages that have had lunch or dinner there, such as the Prince Felipe from Spain, Hollywood actors, toreros, football players, the unavoidable inauspicious politics, etc.

Address: Calle Escudellers 14

Phone: + 93 3023185
Price: mid range

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